How To Create A Digital Product That Generates Sales


The MVP Method allows you to identify a proven product your niche already wants and maps out the exact process to create your own...step by step!


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Imagine having a product that your market WANTS

(and it didn’t take weeks or months to create)


You’ve been looking to create something that you can offer to your market that generates sales and builds a customer list.


Digital Products are one of the best types of products to create, because you'll never run our of inventory and they can sell on AUTOPILOT, 24/7 - 365 days per year.


Seriously, imagine that for just a second… 


This time next month, you have a product that you 100% control and that’s working FOR YOU, day and night.

Say Goodbye To...

*Manufacturing *Stocking Inventory *Shipping Headaches *High Startup Costs


Digital products erase those limitations, while simultaneously freeing up your time. 


Say YES To...

*Creating It Once *Selling It Over And Over  *Automatic Delivery  *Low Startup Costs

By this time next month, you can own a sales machine that fills orders while you sleep.


Put a digital product to work so you can wake up to new sale confirmations (instead of new orders to fill or a boss to report to).


We’ll show you how to painlessly build your first digital product, then sell it on repeat… without ever running out of stock!

What does that look like for your business?


Digital Asset You Control
Full Control Over Earnings
Evergreen Sales Machine


Simply put, a digital product is an asset that YOU 100% control.


Gain the FREEDOM to create your own lifestyle while scaling your business online.


If you’re not capitalizing on digital products yet, it’s time to change that.

Boost your monthly income to take care of your needs:


Let’s say you price your digital product at $9.99. 


2 sales per day = $500/month car payment

3 sales per day = $750/month child care

4 sales per day = $1000/month rent


These results are very achievable with a digital product.



It’s time to scale your profits.


For new brands especially, digital products are the fastest and easiest way to open revenue streams for your online business. 


It’s low-hanging fruit. So why haven’t you created a digital product yet?

You’re not alone if you’re thinking: I’d love to sell a digital product but…


“I don’t have the time to create it.” 


“I’m not tech-savvy enough to create it.”


“I’m not even sure what my digital product would be?”


“What if I make it and nobody buys it?” 


[Insert the reason you’ve been procrastinating here] 


It’s time to get off the sidelines and get into the game so you can have a digital product that’s working for you 24/7.


Because you didn’t become an entrepreneur to sit on the sidelines. 


Stop waiting until you have the perfect product... until you have the perfect website... until the perfect time.

You just need to Take Action.


I know firsthand how even a super-simple digital product offer can skyrocket a business. 


This can be the cornerstone of your NEW business or a great opportunity for your EXISTING business to build authority and trust in your niche.


Get everything you need in ONE workshop so you can take action within 24 hours.


We’ve got your next 30 days mapped out so that by this time next month, your market will be lining up with their credit cards out.

And if you’ve never built a digital product before, it’s not as hard as you think.


(Stick with us and we’ll show you exactly how we’ve broken it down.)


We’ve mapped out the 3 steps you’ll need to follow to create your first digital product and get your first SALE in a month or less.


Sound too good to be true?


This process is exactly what we used to build our own 6 and 7 figure digital product businesses.



The Digital Product Creation Fast Track Workshop


How to make an Evergreen Digital Product “The EASY Way.”

3 simple steps to getting your first digital product sale in 30 days or less!

No need to overthink it anymore. We’ve got it covered.

 âś“ 3-Part Workshop 

Learn the MVP Method in just a few hours and leave with your next 30-days mapped out.

 âś“ BONUS #1 - The MVP Workbooks

Step-by-Step exercises designed to walk you through the entire process for all 3 phases...start to finish.

 âś“ BONUS #2 -  Tech Set Up Tutorials

Click-by-Click tutorials that take the guesswork out of the tech set-up to get you started FAST!


Get Everything You Need To Confidently Create Your Digital Product and Start Getting Sales!


Instead of spending weeks going through overwhelming course content, just commit to sitting down for a few hours to dig in, get your game plan, and TAKE ACTION!


It’s the only training you need to create a digital product that your market will go crazy for and sell it by this time next month.

Get Instant Access Now For Just $37 >>

It’s called a Fast Track Workshop for a reason.


Look, we know how busy entrepreneurship is. Here’s how we’ve got your back:


âś“ Learn precisely what you need to know in 3 hours or less.

âś“ Create a pre-validated digital product in 2 weeks or less.

âś“ Sell it within 30 days.


No need to overthink it anymore. We’ve got it covered.

All you need is ONE laser-focused workshop to gain everything you need in order to take action within the first 24 hours.

 “This walked us through, A to Z on how to pull all the pieces together.

~Kay C


 “Before the workshop, I use to think it was too difficult to create a digital product

~Jim F

You'll Learn The MVP Method

The MVP method is Plug & Play so you can get right to it- no wasting time. 

How to create a Minimum Viable Product THE EASY WAY.

We’ve boiled down our proven strategy into manageable steps so you can get a product out to your market FAST, that delivers on your promise.

It’s our “Done Is Better Than Perfect” model that’s worked for us and for our students time and time again.

#1 - Choosing TOPIC

 Identify a “HOT” topic in your niche.

âś“ Validate your product idea.

#2 - Product Creation

âś“ Map out your product in 30 minutes.

âś“ Create your MVP version 

#3 - Getting SALES

âś“ Build a simple sales page

âś“ Drive Traffic

You'll Get Everything You Need To Confidently Create Your Digital Product and Offer It To Your NICHE!


That’s the SECRET to keeping things simple.


Don’t spend months manufacturing a product, order 500 units for $3000, and cross your fingers they sell.


Instead figure out what your market wants, then build it for them at low cost.


The MVP Method is the fastest and easiest way to add a product to your business that you 100% control.


Heck, you might already have it made! You just need to package it up.


The most common mistake is overthinking it. 


If you’ve been procrastinating, we know you don’t need MORE information, so we’ve paired a laser-focused timeline with all the tricks you’ll need to take action within 24 hours.

 “This workshop showed me how to find and validate digital products in my niche

~Mark L


Digital Product Creation [Fast Track] Workshop


1. The Digital Product Creation [Fast Track]  Workshop - (Value $199)

2. Lifetime Workshop Recording Access - (Value $99)

3. Digital Product Creation Workbooks - (Value $49)

4. Bonus: Tech Tutorials + Facebook Ads Training ($199)


Total Value = $546


Today’s Price = $99


Limited Time: Just $37 (62% OFF)

Get Instant Access Now For Just $37 >

I’m so confident that this workshop will be a total game changer for you…


It's 100% Risk Free


I’m 100% certain this is going to be a big boost for your business. But if for whatever reason you don’t love the workshop, just send me an email and I’ll give you a full refund — no questions asked.


 “I now have a roadmap and a vision to move forward with my digital product

~Joe H

We Truly Want To HELP YOU!


Meet your Instructors:

Scott Voelker & Chris Shaffer

There’s a reason why we’ve been creating digital products in every brand we’ve owned, separately and together, for over a decade. It’s worked time and time again- in every market. 

In the past 13 years, we’ve sold well over $3M, just from digital products. We know first hand the power in offering digital products inside a brand.

And now, we’re on a mission to motivate others who feel STUCK and show them the way to create a business that sets them FREE!

We’re your Fast Track Workshop instructors and we’re here to help.


I’ll never forget when I sold my first digital product.


My customer immediately got what they paid for and I got $29. It blew my mind. 


I said, “I’m going to do this for the rest of my life. I’m going to put the time and effort in ONCE to create a product and I’m going to sell it as long as I can.”


Why not? There’s just far fewer headaches to deal with.

So now, Chris and I are on a mission to motivate others who feel STUCK and show them the path to create a business that sets them FREE!

It took us years to learn this Digital Product Creation Formula That WORKS!

(and now we pass them on to you).



How to get your niche to tell you EXACTLY what they want to buy.

  • How to build a line of early-bird buyers with their credit cards out BEFORE you’ve invested any time making it.
  • How to build your digital product for FREE. 
  • (In fact, you might be able to use content you’ve already created!)
  • How to get your product made in UNDER 2 weeks (or even a few days).
  •  How to continue selling it over and over and OVER again.
Get Instant Access For Just $37 >>

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve probably noticed… This workshop is a digital product! 

So yeah, this is our digital product about digital products. 


But we can’t help but shout from the rooftops about how the MVP Method has scaled our business and given us FREEDOM!


And we sincerely want to help you do the same for your brand.



We’re pulling back the curtain so you can see exactly how it’s done.


To motivate you even further, we’re giving you a peek behind the scenes in our brand so you can see how simple the process is that we follow to create and launch our OWN digital products. 


When you sign up to the Digital Product Creation Fast Track Workshop, you get instant access to our EXCLUSIVE insider tips. 

This is your chance to see exactly how we used the MVP Method to: 


âś“ Pre-sell over 100 tickets to our live workshop.

âś“ Get our students to help us build the workshop.

âś“ Create all the content in under a week.

âś“ Continue to sell it (EVERGREEN)


But what about the ins & outs of building a digital product myself?


We get that building your first digital product feels daunting, so we’ve taken care of the mechanics for you.


Over the years, we’ve found a few tools that anyone can use to create a digital product within 24 hours. 


It’s easier than you think if you know the hacks! (In fact, you might already have something that your buyers will go crazy over!)


Then, we’ll show you step-by-step how to build a simple but effective sales page and auto-deliver your product so you can painlessly build a sales machine that runs while you sleep!


BONUS: Over-The-Shoulder Tech Walk-Through.


 There’s really not much technical skill that goes into this, but you’ll want to promote your new product, so we’ve broken that down for you too! 


Look over Chris’ shoulder as he builds Facebook ads, click-by-click, so you can drive traffic to your new digital product...the right way.

You’ll always have this skill in your back pocket.


Once you learn the MVP Method, you’ll have a repeatable skill set.


We’ll even show you how we’ve skyrocketed our business by stacking multiple digital products together to make them even more powerful (and profitable).


 But guess what? It all started with ONE product and the MVP Method.

Okay, you’ve seen the power in digital products, but you still have questions.

You’re not alone. We’ve answered the most common below:

So, there’s WHY we’re offering this workshop for next to nothing.


But we do ask you to put some skin in the game because we know that makes you more likely to actually commit and take action. 


It’s time to get into the game.


Here’s your Fast Track to taking action.


We’re rooting for you!

Get Instant Access Now For Just $37 >